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Serving Communities Framework and Curriculum

Dimension I: Personal Inclusion-Centered Leadership Practices


Dimension 1: Personal Inclusion-centered Leadership Practices is for you and your leadership staff that are interested in discovering, reflection and taking action on how to: 1) Enhance inclusion-centered leadership skills, practices and attitudes; 2) Identify and understand the roots of your leadership style and daily operation decision-making; 3) Identify and draw on your lived experiences and what those connections are to the community you serve; and, 4) Explore your sphere of influence as library leaders in your community.


Serving Communities Dimension I Framework, Module and Worksheets

All materials are downloadable and free to everyone.

Limited Time

A common refrain by library directors is that there is limited time to explore these issues due to the many internal and external forces they experience each day. However, not investing time on issues of equity and inclusion, actionable science and community resilience, is contrary to the mission and values of public libraries. If you only have time to focus on one theme with the Personal Inclusion-centered Leadership Practices, we recommend that you focus on Theme #1: Reflective Practice: Understanding Your Actions to Understand the Actions of Others and Worksheet #1: Benchmarking Your Personal Inclusion-centered Leadership Practices