Public libraries Need meaningful, strategic sustainable partnerships with community organizations and local government…and these community institutions Need public libraries! Dimension III: Inclusion-centered Leadership Practices in Building Community Partnerships is designed for library directors to assess your current relationships with your local government agencies and actionable science organizations and how to create a sustainable connected network of access to actionable science information, supports and services to all community members.
Investing time and effort into creating and nurturing partnerships is essential for all involved. For public libraries, effective partnerships can expand the library’s reach and resources, enabling access to expertise, funding and networks that are otherwise unavailable. For community organizations and government agencies, partnerships can expand the distribution, dissemination and access to critical resources, supports and services. Ultimately, for community members, these critical resources, supports and services are amplified and easier to access.
Serving Communities Dimension I Framework, Module and Worksheets
All materials are downloadable and free to everyone.