Packing for Mars – The Curious Science of Life in the Void Roach’s latest book explores the strange world of space travel and life without gravity. An up-close look at space programs, space simulations, and the humans involved in them, this book is informativ… author: Mary Roach |
Painters of the Caves Describes the 1994 discovery made in Chauvet, France, of a cave with Stone Age rock paintings. Discusses the significance of cave art to people living in prehistoric as well as modern times. Many co… author: Patricia Lauber |
Pale Blue Dot: A Vision of the Human Future in Space The sequel to Cosmos. Traces the history of space exploration, suggests what the future might bring and that human survival may depend on the continued exploration of space. Stunning color photographs… author: Carl Sagan |
Panda’s Thumb: More Reflections in Natural History A collection of essays on natural history. Topics include: The Panda’s Thumb; Darwin and Natural Selection; Human Evolution; Science and Politics of Human Differences; The Pace of Change; Early Life; … author: Stephen Jay Gould |
Pandora’s Baby: How the First Test Tube Babies Sparked the Reproductive Revolution Beginning with the early days of in vitro fertilization (IVF) in the early 70’s, Henig outlines the advances in the field and the growing controversies and arguments that came with each advance. Seen… author: Robin Marantz Henig |
Parallel Worlds: A Journey Through Creation, Higher Dimensions, and the Future of the Cosmos Exploring the extraordinary advances in physics and cosmology over the last century, and particularly the last decade, Kaku introduces us to the M-theory, or the multiverse theory. In this theory, ou… author: Michio Kaku |
Peacemaking Among Primates An examination of how four simian species cope with aggression and how they make peace after fights. De Waal’s thesis that forgiveness and peacemaking are widespread among non-human primates offers t… author: Frans De Waal |
Peanut Butter, Milk, and Other Deadly Threats: What You Should Know About Food Allergies Describes food allergies, the body’s response, food allergy testing, how to live with food allergies, and current research. Includes bibliographical references and index, a glossary, suggested reading… author: Sherri Mabry Gordon |
Periodic Table An unusual story that interweaves the life experience of Italian chemist Primo Levy with twenty-one elements of the periodic table. author: Primo Levi |
Peterson First Guide to Seashores Field guide to 317 common animals and plants of North American seashores. Color illustrations. author: John C. Kricher |
Phantoms in the Brain: Probing the Mysteries of the Human Mind A look into human consciousness, human nature and the brain through an account of Dr. Ramachandran’s experiments on patients with neurological disorders. author: V.S. Ramachandran, M.D., PhD & Sandra Blakeslee |
Phineas Gage – A Gruesome but True Story About Brain Science In 1848, railroad construction foreman Phineas Gage survives an incredible accident: a 13 lb. iron rod is shot through his brain and he lives to tell the tale, plus another eleven years. This biogra… author: John Fleischman |
Physics for Future Presidents: The Science Behind the Headline A fascinating, non-technical primer on topics vital for any world leader – and important for any world citizen – to know about: terrorist weapons, from airplanes to anthrax; energy; nukes; space; and … author: Richard A. Muller |
Pillar of Sand: Can the Irrigation Miracle Last? Traces the 6,000-year history of irrigation, the ecological impacts of irrigation proctices, and illustrates new and innovative technologies for improving production while lessening harm to the enviro… author: Sandra Postel |
Planet Earth (DVD) A highly acclaimed natural history series, Planet Earth from BBC/Discovery Channel (a 5 DVD set) is a celebration of the planet and examines habitats, animals and animal behaviors on planet Earth. T… author: Discovery Channel |
Planets In a series of short essay-style chapters, Sobel intertwines her long-standing interest (from the age of eight) and love of the planets with science, geology, mineralogy, history, mythology, astrology… author: Dava Sobel |
Plants on the Trail with Lewis and Clark Describes the journey of Lewis and Clark through the western United States, focusing on the plants they cataloged, their uses for food and medicine, and the plant lore of Native American people. Colo… author: Dorothy Hinshaw Patent |
Pleasure of Finding Things Out: The Best Short Works of Richard P. Feynman A collection of essays: The pleasure of finding things out — Computing machines in the future — Los Alamos from below — What is and what should be the role of scientific culture in modern society -… author: Richard P. Feynman with forward by Freeman Dyson |
Plows, Plagues & Petroleum Provides an historical account of the human impact on climate change since the dawn of agriculture, some 8,000 years ago, and a look into the future. author: William F. Ruddiman |
Pond and Brook: A Guide to Nature in Freshwater Environments More than just a list of freshwater plants and animals, this book takes a holistic ecological view of both living and non-living components of freshwater environments. The unique properties of water a… author: Michael J. Caduto |
Pond, Lake, River, Sea Written field journal style, a compilation of color drawings and facts about aquatic organisms. Includes: plankton, mollusks, echinoderms, crustaceans, freshwater & saltwater plants and animals, author: Maryjo Koch |
Powers of Ten – The Relative Size of Things in the Universe A visual journey from the farthest dimensions of the universe to the interior of a single atom, this book contains 42 photos, each a power of ten closer than the one before it (meters in10 to the 25th… author: Philip Morrison, Phylis Morrison, C. & R. Eames |
Prime Obsession: Bernhard Riemann and the Greatest Unsolved Problem in Mathematics The author introduces a deck of cards and procedes to explain the story behind one of the best-known, unsolved mathematical mysteries of the last 150 years, one that has kept mathematicians puzzled si… author: John Derbyshire |
Privilege of Being a Physicist A collection of essays by the elder statesman of physics, Victor Weisskopf. Includes his thoughts on teaching science, art and science, science and society, science and culture, the frontiers and limi… author: Victor F. Weisskopf |