
Recommendations from the Spring 2017 Newsletter

Theme: Great American Eclipse Prep and STEM Clearinghouse

STEM Activity Clearinghouse at Libraries

A resource for high-quality Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) activities that are appropriate for library use.

Eclipse 2017

Learn about the August 21, 2017 eclipse that will span North America. NASA created this website to provide a guide to this event, helping you find activities, events, broadcasts and resources from NASA and its partners across the nation.

Recommendations from the Fall 2016 Newsletter

Theme: STEM Facilitation and STEM Development

STEM for All Online Community

Website of the STEM for All project, helping to expand the integration of science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) content into out-of-school time programs across the country, and contribute to statewide systems of support for integrating STEM activities and projects into after school programs.

Hands-On STEM

Find fun, engaging and enriching activities, games, projects and kits for children from Pre-K through 8th grade, geared to building a life-long interest in science, technology, engineering and math.

Recommendations from the Spring 2016 Newsletter

Theme: STEM Frameworks for Libraries

Popular Science Article with POTUS on How to Win the Future

President Barack Obama discusses the initiatives and goals he puts in place—in clean energy, space, medicine, education, nanotechnology, and more. With one year left in the Oval Office, the president talks about what he’s achieved, what’s left to do, and why being a nerd is one of the best ways to serve your country.

Action Guide for Re-Envisioning Your Public Library – The Aspen Institute

To help library and community leaders use the report, Rising to the Challenge: Re-Envisioning Public Libraries, The Aspen Institute created the Action Guide for Re-Envisioning Your Public Library, version 2.0, a set of resources for convening a community dialogue and helping communities take action to re-envision their own public library.

How to Get Your Kids Interested in STEM (without forcing it on them)

A mother’s advice about how to encourage your child’s interest in science, technology, engineering and math.

Recommendations from the Fall 2015 Newsletter

Theme: Informal Science Resources

YALSA STEM Task Force page

A Wiki to get great ideas from for Science, Technology, Enginering, and Math (STEM) integration into your library setting.


Find STEM activities from one of the most interactive museums in the U.S.


Search for some of the best math and science activities from a major project of UC Berkley’s Lawrence Hall of Science.

Recommendations from the Summer 2015 Newsletter

Theme: Maker Movement and 3D Printers is a website for all things science and tech, but the 3D Printing page has the best news and featured articles behind 3D Printing.


Check out the Explore section to see what people have submitted as designs or Search designs by typing in something you are interested in. You can even download designs and manipulate them if you have design software on your computer.


Get started with this easy to use free design software. You don’t need a 3D printer to design something!

Recommendations from the Spring 2015 Newsletter

Theme: Astronomy

Universe Today

A great way to learn about what is happening right now in space science. This website has a number of great resources including Carnival of Space and Astronomy Cast.

Universe Today: Carnival of Space

This weekly blog is hosted by the best of the science writers and web bloggers to keep you ahead of the curve on all things space related.

Astronomy Cast

Listen to podcasts about astronomy with Frasier Cain and Dr. Pamela Gay. These are 25- 30 min. podcasts on specific topics that dig deep into the what, how, and why.

NASA Space Place

Play, Do, Explore at this interactive website for youth.



September, 2013 Celebrating Gravitational Lenses, Black Holes and Our Solar System.
August, 2013 Celebrating Weather, Climate Change and Global Weather Systems.
July, 2013 Celebrating Leonardo da Vinci, Creative Experiments and Fields of Science.
June, 2013 Celebrating the Science of Archaeology, Rock Hounding and Paleontology.
May, 2013 Celebrating the Science of Astronomy and the Universe.
April, 2013 Celebrating the Science of Plants, Kites and Wildlife.
 March, 2013 Celebrating the Science of Girls Health, Glaciers and the Iliad.
 February, 2013 The Science of Music, Volcanoes, Weather Forecasting and Science News.
 January, 2013 Celebrating the oceans around us, energy education for kids and science news for teens and adults.